Who we are

We bridge small, local organisations with global capital to walk alongside them and strengthen them as they transform their communities from within.

ETHNE International Development is a humanitarian development NGO with the purpose of identifying, accompanying and equipping small local initiatives that exist for the economic, social and spiritual development of their communities. Our approach is based on Christian values and includes service to developing communities, work with migrants and refugees, and rapid response emergencies.


To empower small local organisations by connecting them with global resources to accompany and strengthen them as they transform their communities from within.


To be an organisation that contributes to building relationships of friendship and development that transform lives and nations through service that starts from its own communities and Gospel values.


Since World War II, over US$2.3 trillionhas been invested in efforts to develop the world’s most economically disadvantaged regions. Despite this substantial investment, the desired outcomes have largely not been achieved, with success being the exception rather than the rule.

This raises a simple question: Why? Experts in the field have found that one significant issue is a patriarchal approach to development (Paul Collier, the Bottom Billion). In simplified terms, this approach operates on the principle: “You lack, I have. I will provide you with what I think you need, and you will use it to advance.” For decades, the focus has been on what these communities lack and how they need others to save them.

At Ethne, we recognize that this approach not only fails but also disrespects the dignity of the individuals within these communities. We understand that each community possesses a unique combination of human, material, financial, and talent resources. Our approach to development starts from within, by identifying and valuing the existing capacities, skills, knowledge, and relationships within the community. We aim to strengthen these assets by first asking what is already present.

This model, known as Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), has shown greater progress compared to past methods (Corbett, Steve; Fikkert, Brian. When Helping Hurts, ch. 5).

[The key is to] put the emphasis on what materially poor people already have and ask them to consider from the outset, "What is right with you? What gifts has God given you that you can use to improve your life and that of your neighbors? How can the individuals and organizations in your community work together to improve your community?”

Our Values


Love means giving oneself for others—the neighbor, the different, the stranger, the suffering, the vulnerable. Through love, we serve, give, forgive, and help. Love builds peace.


We believe in the intrinsic value of all human beings as bearers of God's image, and in their capacity to improve and manage their environment effectively.


We strive to do good in tangible, kind, and generous ways. We are committed to the well-being of individuals and their communities, collaborating to improve their quality of life.


Love means giving oneself for others—the neighbor, the different, the stranger, the suffering, the vulnerable. Through love, we serve, give, forgive, and help. Love builds peace.

Respect for Local Culture

We celebrate the fascinating variety of languages and cultures around the world, each deserving of preservation, respect, and honor. Cultural transformation must originate from within, by its own members and inhabitants.


We are committed to the preservation and stewardship of creation, encompassing both flora and fauna. It is the responsibility of all people to care for their environment, contributing to the global mosaic of all that surrounds us.


We value the ability to inspire trust through integrity and responsible use of resources. We believe in accountability and transparent management of assets and finances, making Ethne Development International an open-book entity, compliant with legal standards.